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╭┈ヾBratty Batty, The Baddie 🦇 | VRCFT | PC + QUEST

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╭┈ヾBratty Batty, The Baddie 🦇 | VRCFT | PC + QUEST

"♡She take my dinero~♡"

Installation is easy !! Everything is within the package !! 
Make sure to read the Installation guide that comes with package 
(comes with a 2 min- video)!

If need help/want an uploader, ask in server! It's $10 for PC/$15 for PC&Quest.
Must have package purchased and show the receipt!

VRCFT Included

This mode will ONLY work with people who HAVE FACETRACKING!! If you don't, it's best to use the non-facetracking version! 
Facetracking version may have less options than the non-facetracking version due to parameter limitation! 
This Model uses UNIFIED EXPRESSIONS for face tracking shape keys. Face tracking is added with ADJERRY91's templates. 
Comes with Package! Make sure to install it!
 This version does NOT use SPS! Only the NON-Facetracking version uses SPS! You are allowed to edit this yourself if you wish!
↳ VRCFT is for VRCHAT Facetracking

FT is only on the main outfit, not the OPT versions!

Essential Features:

↳ Phys Bones everywhere
: Ensuring realistic movement and interaction across the model.

↳ Poiyomi Shader Compatibility: This model is carefully crafted with the polished and reflective attributes of the Poiyomi shader, ensuring its appearance harmonizes effortlessly with various environments.

♡  Shader Originally Used: poi_Pro_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.46

♡  Updated To: poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.57

↳ Full-Body Compatibility: Tested and optimized for full-body tracking setups.

↳ Enhanced Mesh Visibility: Edited bounding boxes prevent mesh occlusion, ensuring consistent visibility.

Gogo locomotion: This locomotion prefab was developed to enhance the default controller, offering additional features such as toggles to disable leg movement or jump animations.

You can switch between various poses to mimic full-body tracking, including the ability to sit or lay down anywhere.

It includes a built-in play space feature that adjusts your character's height, making it ideal for smaller characters.

With special game loco toggles, you can enable advanced movement options tailored for gaming maps.

Includes both TPS and Non-TPS Versions for versatility.

Offers both Fair and Tan Skin options within the package.

Features custom idle animations to imbue the avatar with lifelike presence.

    Reaction Features

    ↳ Headpat: Give them a headpat! They will make a happy face!

    ↳ Booping Nose will make eyes go crossed!

    ↳ Hair Pulling face reaction, She will be Mad!

    ↳ Turn on/off reactions! You can turn off headpat, boop, or others all separately. (This helps turns off the boop, head pat and help turn on kissu and head cuddle receivers!)

    ! OVER 30+ TOGGLES !

    Outfit Customization:

    ↳ Clothing Options: Accessories, Hoodie, Undies, Boots, Skirt, Top, Warmers, Thighs, Lace, Harness Top, Harness Bottom, Wings Bottom, Wings Top, Tail, and Ears

    • Toggleable Hoodie to go up or down or off!

    ↳ RBG Outfit Hue: Change the colors on your outfit!

    ↳ Animal Options: Toggleable Ears and Tail!

    Hair Customization

    ↳ Alternate Back Options: Upper Ponytail Hair and Lower Ponytail Hair.

    • You are able to toggle them both off for short hair!

    ↳ Main Hair Hues: Main hue can change your hair into different color styles! Over 34+ Colors!

    Body Adjustment Options

    ↳ Eye Hue for different shades of eye color

    ↳ Skin Hue: Transform your complexion from fair to radiant tan with ease!

    Toy Features

    ↳Toggleable Mute Bat(toggleable bat. Turns on only when you are muted. But you can toggle it off even when muted)
    ↳Toggleable Bubblegum and contact to pop it! Switch/Static mode to also make it just stay still!

    ↳Toggleable Knife! 

    Knife can stab people and cause you to be covered in blood! You will be stuck in yandere mode until you clean off your face or torso with your hands and/or arms! So rub it off with your arm warmers and/or hands and you will be clean again!
    For desktop peeps, if you want to use the knife, you can! Once you stab, you will be in yandere mode and to be able to clean yourself off, go into your Locomotion menu and press 2nd Animation Set. Your animation will change to a neko pose and when you move around, it will set off the arm reactors to clean you off.

      ↳Toggleable Weapons: Bat, Hammer, and Knife

      You can bonk people with your bat and hammer! Works on Head and Torso!
      Toggleable Pole! You are able to place it into the world!

      ↳VRC Touch HUD/Toggleable (When someone touches you a small icon is visible on the left or right side of your vision to know on which side a person ask for your attention)
      Toggleable Stress Ball! If you squish it, make a fist, and let it go then it squeaks!

      Additional Features:

      VR Pole Dancer Compatibility: Toggleable pole option for immersive VR experiences.

      Custom Menu Icons: Personalize your interface with custom icons for easy navigation.

      ↳ Unique Emojis: Access exclusive custom emojis to enhance your virtual interactions.

      Please note: Certain features such as Particles, MuteBat, Bubblegum, Pole, Weapons are not compatible with Quest devices.

      Quest Compatible Versions

      Comes with Quest Compatible Versions for Main!

      ↳ Comes with Quest, However, Quest is extremely limited and some toggles are removed. Quest is mainly meant for Optimization and Standard Quality! Please note this before purchasing. My model is mainly aimed for PC users!!

      - Poi Shader changes to Vrchat Mobile Toon!
      - All particles removed!

      Quest textures may be low quality to fit vrchat's standards.
      Not all toggles work with Quest, so please note that! It is extremely limited.
      Quest Version was made with the intent on Optimization and Standard Quality

      Package includes

      • FBX, Prefab ready, toggles and animations.
      • Includes SPS version and NON-SPS version.
      • Blender file is included in the ARKIT Package only!
      • MMD FT for MMD Worlds only works with ARKIT Package
      • Open the 'OPEN ME' File to have access to the models!

       😊 Faces

      • 6

      🔘 Toggles

      • 30+

      ✨ Texture Memory

      • MAIN | 81 MiB
      • QUEST | 10 MiB
      • NOTE: Quest Memory has to be 10 MiB, if the texture increases due to script changes then please manually reduce the texture sizes !

      🛑Outfit Polygons

      • MAIN | 319,170
      • SFW | 5282,362
      • QUEST | 319,170

      🟣Outfit Materials

      • MAIN | 61
      • SFW | 50

        🔷 Outfit Mesh

        • MAIN | 29
        • SFW | 23


        • Main / Quest - 🔴 Very Poor

         🦶Fullbody ❓

        • Yes! This model was made with the intent to support VR Fullbody! However, everyone has different proportions so model's height may be differ depending on the individual.
        • No refunds if your height isn't compatible. You will need to adjust in vrchat.

        DPS/TPS/SPS ❓

        • SPS Only! This model does NOT use DPS. You do NOT need to import Raliv RPS for this model! SPS/TPS works with poiyomi pro/toon only!!

        Which Poiyomi ❓

        • TOON VERSION: poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.57 for this model
        • Comes with package and instructions.

        Quest Compatible ❓

        • Yes! This model does come with a Quest Version, however, It's extremely limited.
        • I do apologize but the Quality of my models are mainly aimed for PC/VR Users. Some toggles may be missing.
        • The Quest version won't be 100 percent compatible with the MAIN outfit due to limitations and due to me using the UV Tile Discard set up / Using Poiyomi Shader. 
        • This version is meant to be an attachable for Questies to see you! They may come with some toggles, but may be missing others some due to VR limitations

        OPT Version ❓

        • Nope!

        Uploads Available ❓

        Dynamic Bones Or Physbones ❓

        • Physbones Only!

        Unity ❓

        • Unity 2022.3.22f1

        SDK ❓

        • Update to Most recent SDK that has 256 Parameters or else, you will have issues. 

        EXTRA ❓

        • PC & QUEST (Limited Toggles for Questies due to limitations), SDK 3.0, EYELOOK SUPPORTED, VISEMES SUPPORTED
        • This model uses VRCFuryCreator Companion, and Poiyomi Shader


          * All products are NOT allowed to be reused or taken from my model.*
          * You cannot take the edits and resell either. *

          Body/Face/Textures - Tori | とりにゃん#1295 , Mowster#9962, edit by dippindotty
          Hairs - WetCat#6969 , ичто#6666, PastelPlushies#2961 , edit by dippindotty
          Tongue / Bat ears / Wings - dippindotty
          Clothes - Flexuh, Renipuff#3700, Nauuki, bunisu#4924, glitch#0112 (, holoexe, edit by dippindotty
          Particle - kisustar, hitozichi, edit by dippindotty
          Toys - SageSpic, yakumonmon-shop, cakie#7777, Stig#0001, paraa, Tori | とりにゃん#1295, CharlotteVR, Deimos#6533, edit by dippindotty
          VRC Touch HUD , edit by dippindotty
          Matcap/Hair Tex- Shugan, Mowster#9962, edit by dippindotty
          Shaders - poiyomi#0001
          World Constraints - Vrlabs

           Make sure to read T.O.S before buying so you know the terms!
          Make sure to read the INSTALLATION GUIDE after buying to help upload the product!

          All Customers MUST Understand, Respect and Listen to rules before purchasing any of my models!

          By purchasing any of my Models/Assets you agree to the following rules above, if said rules be broken, you are a subject to be taken action against according to the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).


          ╭┈ヾ ☾ • ㅅ • )+☆ My Link! Join my discord and Become a Shib today !!!

          Customer Reviews

          Based on 3 reviews
          Big yes!!!

          I saw soo many videos and photos of her so long ago and loved how she looked! My husband also loves how she looks!!! So happy to have her!!!

          Best creater

          Big w

          Nova Chwala
          I love her!

          I had a little trouble uploading her but I got it in the end and I love her so so so much!!!